Saturday, February 9, 2013


Subject: Transfers...and....
To: carolyn owens <>

Hello Mom and the rest of the family I guess,

So yes, transfer calls came today and guess what??? I. AM. STAYING. whoop whoop! I love Medicine Lake. It really is the greatest :) Sister Taufer is leaving to go to Duluth which is way up north which is where she will freeze (she hates the cold) but she will be on campus working with great people and has a great companion :) I will be staying here and training again. I don't know why the Lord keeps doing this to me... ha I guess I must learn through repetition or something. But, I am really excited to get a new missionary. They are always full of faith and new ideas and we need new ideas here :) I do love this area though. The people are going to be so sick of me by the time I leave haha except several people have said, "You've been here a while now haven't you? 4 months?" ha! more like 8! But, why would I leave if I love it so much? :) Anyway, I am glad and grateful for this experience. I have learned a lot through training other missionaries--mostly what I need to change and each transfer and companion has been a unique experience. These letters are basically my journal so sorry if they get a little dry and are long.

We had a great Sunday yesterday at church! We challenged one of our recent converts to give a Book of Mormon away to his friend and he did then he brought that friend to church :) a youth in our ward brought two of his friends as well. And our part member family we are teaching came (mom-less active, son-non member, and other son who we are teaching). It was a great service as well. Many people brought their family and friends. There were probably about 12 or 13 non members there and most of them came from members inviting their friends! :) It's been cool to see member missionary work really take off. we did a missionary moment with the young women yesterday and challenged them to invite a friend to mutual or something else. So we will be following up this upcoming week and seeing how it is going. They are all so great! Good good examples and I just love them!

So funny story, the past three days we have had about 3 lessons scheduled per day and guess what? ALL of them fell through! It was the saddest thing and Sister Taufer and I just had to laugh--it was awful. haha But, I am so grateful we can still be happy and keep moving forward. The Lord has a plan for us each day and as we include Him and ask Him for direction and help, He provides it. Sharing the gospel is the best. Finding people who are open and willing to accept it is even better. Miracles happen every single day. Our ward is exploding right now with missionary work and it has been so cool to see it take place. The Stake is very good at coordinating the efforts and getting the members excited. We are really focusing on having 60% of our dinners with members include a recent convert, a less active member, or an investigator. It'll really be great to focus on that.

So I have been wanting to ask each of you for your experiences in living the commandments of the gospel. Mom, will you send me a faith building experience you've had with tithing? How did you come to know it's a true commandment? How have you seen it bless your life by living it? Also, I would love to hear your experiences and testimonies of the Plan of Salvation, the Restoration, and how prayer and scripture study have blessed your life? How did you come to know they were true, etc. I am trying to really broaden and increase my ability in teaching and I think sharing personal experiences are great, but also sharing other people's experiences are great as well.

How does missionary work in our stake? I am always so curious about it. We have a member who's daughter is serving in Salt Lake South and I am curious to know how it works there. nearly everyone is a member haha but, that would be a cool experience. I am excited for the babies to come! Lil' cuties. Well, I hope you have noticed a change in me mom, because sometimes I don't feel like I'm changing as quickly as I should be. The refining process is so interesting. But, I am grateful for the things I am learning about the gospel, how true conversion takes place, and more about the Atonement and how it works in my own personal life. If anything, I will come back more converted and ready to punch Satan in the face. I am excited for these next few transfers. We are getting lots and lots of missionaries! Areas are being opened up that haven't had missionaries for a long time!

Sister Wilson is probably getting sick of me staying in her home. She keeps saying, "You really need to experience more of Minnesota" haha I just laugh and ask "WHY?" I love it here. I can't imagine going anywhere else. Sometimes I get a little nervous I am going to get content, but then a curve ball is thrown and it all works out! :) haha I stretch everyday (both literally and spiritually) and grow so much! Please just keep praying for the people here and for us to have the energy and vision that He needs us to have. I know this is His work. I know the gospel is true. I know these things are true and because I know they are true I will keep my covenants and promises and live accordingly. Enduring is the hardest part I think, but if you rely on the Savior it's not so bad :) at all. I am grateful for the abilities and talents He gives to each one of us in order to help us build up His kingdom and consecrate our lives to Him. It's an incredible thing. We have the rest of our lives to learn and grow! wow.

Anyway, Sister Taufer is all done (as usual) and here I am blabbing on. I love you family, I know we can be together forever (cheesy I know) but I really am so grateful and blessed to know that. Keep being my amazing family. You are doing great things!

  Sister Owens

P.S. if all you boys who served missions could send me some of your most precious things you learned on your mission and also any more advice on how to be a successful missionary that would be great. Reflect and record and send it my way :) I love you!

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