Monday, March 18, 2013


Kristen Owens
Mar 11 (7 days ago)

to me
Dear Family,

This is getting a little depressing, opening my email and finding no letters from anyone. I am going to blame technology for this one, but if it happens again, I'll really start to wonder..."Anyway, Life goes on," as my Sister Topi would say.

So. This week was awesome! We received a third sister straight from the MTC! She was there for 2 weeks and is from California. Her name is Sister Kekauoha. She is hilarious and reminds me of Brittany's personality. She is so much fun and her laugh is great. We just love her. My companions are complete opposites yet we get along pretty well :) It's interesting training two missionaries at once with both of them at different stages, but, it's up to the Lord. So, these sisters are awesome. I really do admire and respect them for who they both are. They bring such different things to the table. I have come to realize I am a controller....ya....I need to relinquish my pride...ha. My goal this week is to rely more fully on my companions and the spirit rather than my own knowledge and skills. It's so much easier to be a missionary when you do that. The ward is getting really sick of me being here...they keep saying, "since your in a threesome, does this mean someone is leaving?" ha I joke with them and say they better get used to me being here because I am not planning on leaving anytime soon :) One of the most rewarding things this week for me was when a member approached us at the baptism this past weekend and said, "I finally had my missionary moment." She invited her neighbor to come and check out the church because they have been looking for churches to go to. Don't worry, I totally high-fived them both for their efforts and they planned on giving them a Book of Mormon to them after church. We will followup today and see how it went :) But, this is after many moments role playing with them and encouraging them and promising them blessings and opportunities to share the gospel and they did it! :) I love it! The members here are incredible. They really are so enthusiastic about the work and they do it so well :) We love them and I really hope I never leave this area. I don't know what I would do at a different place...eek.

Well Lil' Timmy is getting baptized this weekend! He is the cutest and we all feel like he is our little brother. I almost started crying in our lesson (okay, i did cry, but just a little) when we talked about the priesthood and invited him to prepare himself and remain worthy for that special gift. This kid is going to do great things as he prepares to serve a mission as well. His brother is getting baptized the following week. It will bless their family so much as they do that and receive the priesthood. That family needs it :) We love them.

We had some great experiences this week. I invited some Muslims to be baptized after teaching them briefly about the gospel of Jesus Christ and the Restoration. they said they would follow him in every other way but not baptism, He is only a prophet to them. It was a rough lesson. but, it was still great to invite them to follow Christ :) sister Topi just laughed at me after and couldn't believe I invited two very very Muslim people to be baptized. hey, that is our purpose right? ha

Funny Stories: One day we were driving in the car and sister topi rolled down the window and yells, "BAAPPPTIIIIZZEE!" in her Albanian accent. We now have a theme for the transfer--"BAAPPPTIIIZZEE!!!" It's our response to everything, we even say it before we go out and work in the morning, or right before a lesson. It's great. I just love her--she is hilarious.

Sister Kekauoha had to explain the word "booger" to Sister Topi. Love those tender moments. This is probably inappropriate to write, but it was funny. She's had to explain a lot of words to Sister Topi...we are now working on not using so much slang in our vocabulary :) It's fun to be with two other companions--adds a lot of dimension :)

Miracles this week: too many to write. President has added a new key indicator: how many restoration lessons with an invitation to be baptized we teach each week. We taught 5 this week and got 7 new investigators :) It's been pretty cool to see how many people are prepared for the gospel, also as we follow President's counsel=miracles. I love inviting people to follow the Savior and receive a remission of sins and receive the Holy Ghost! It's the best.

Well family, I love you, and I am so grateful for you. we were able to find some families this week and it helped me put things into perspective as Shea and Nadine are sealed to Makena for time and all eternity. I love FOREVER FAMILIES! the gospel is true, my heart is so full of joy! I love it! Keep on keeping on! You are my lights and examples. I couldn't do this without you!

  Sister Owens

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